Your Investment Includes:

  1. 1, 60 min 1:1 Zoom mentorship call per month (founding members exclusive - Q2-Q4 will be 1, 60 min 1:1 call per quarter)
  2. Bi-weekly group hot-seat calls via Zoom
  3. Quarterly Personal Growth & Profit Planning Re-alignment Sessions, as well as access to the Annual Masterclass recording and workbook.
  4. Continuous group Voxer coaching, M-F
  5. Discounted 1:1 Coaching Sessions: As a Maverick Society Member, you have the option to purchase and book 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions for just $333 whenever you want or need them. The perfect option for those who don’t want ongoing coaching, but need help strategizing from time to time.
  6. Access To My Affiliate Program: I believe in my programs and as a member, I assume you do too. That’s why you’ll have automatic access to my affiliate program. That way, if you want to, you’ll have the opportunity to earn cash and prizes by sharing my programs with others.
  7. Complimentary access to all programs while in the mastermind (including live re-vamp of SS2CEO Academy and anything I launch while you’re in the mastermind outside of other masterminds, $8,000+ value) 

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