ACTIVATED Challenge (self-guided)

Overcome Inconsistency and Rediscover Inspiration: Get Motivated and Out of Your Slump to Feel Better, Create Consistently, and Drive Brand Growth with the ACTIVATED 30-Day Challenge!

"The simplest things are often the truest."

There are always going to be ups and downs in business and in your own life that can affect how you show up in your business.


But you have to show up.

And, if you're anything like me, you can’t afford to find yourself in a slump, stuck, uninspired, executive functioning not working.

My goal in the Activated 30-Day Challenge is to equip you with the habits to keep you in motion - regardless of what unexpected event, uncertainty or b.s. you will inevitably have to deal with.

(Or are dealing with.)

I cannot stress how powerful these things have been over the past few years.

Can’t wait to pay it forward over the next 30 days should you choose to participate.

You will get a printable version of this tracker, access to my Activated playlist, and an email from me for 30 days with a lesson I've learned that I think will benefit you or a nugget of inspiration and motivation to keep you on track to get and STAY Activated!

Do the challenge diligently for 30 days.

Take it as seriously as if your business depends on it.

Track it.

Read every email I send (you'll get the first one as soon as you sign up!)

Come back and tell me your inner (and probably even outer) world didn't change for the better in 30 days, and I'll gladly refund you the $7.

*and that's on confidence that I KNOW these brain-science-based activation activities will work for you too!!

Yes, I'm charging something for this because most people do not follow through for more than a few days, let alone 30, with absolutely no skin in the game/accountability. And 30 emails take quite a lot of thought and effort on my part ; )

I know you are not "most people" but I'm here to do whatever I can to force you to set the stage for MAJOR growth in life and business.

There is a reason I can continue to show up powerfully in seasons of struggle.

There is a reason I hit 6-figures for the first time in the year I was in the thick of growing through divorce.

And for me, simple as it is, exactly what this challenge entails has been the lynchpin - no matter WHAT I'm going through. 


What you'll get:

  • Training video on how to use the tracker and complete the 30-day Activated Challenge.
  • 30-Day Tracker for your brain activation must-dos for the 30 challenge, and beyond!
  • A curated Spotify playlist of high-vibe music that past challengers have found to elevate their productivity.
  • Personal/professional development book recommendation list
  • 30 Days of motivating, inspiring emails from Ashley to check in and keep you on track to ACTIVATE!

What People Are Saying:

I’ve always been the person to avoid any type of schedules. It’s just never been my personality. I’m very go with the flow. But, ever since I started the 30day challenge, I’ve noticed a MASSIVE difference in my life. I am more productive, working out more, and feeling better about myself internally and externally, and have gotten more client referrals So as someone who’s never been a systems girl. It’s weird to see it all happen but I love the changes. So with that, I bought your Aligned Growth Action Brand-Growth Journal to up everything to the next level. Thank you for being such an inspiration.

Jessica W.

$7.00 USD


Before you checkout, upgrade your purchase with my "Engage & Sell 90-Day Social Content Blueprint"!

One of your items for ACTIVATED will be posting one piece of written content daily and this will cover you for that and BEYOND!!

Start driving sales to your digital products with ease. Spend less time planning and more time doing what you love!!

Only $497 $97, with your purchase today!

(save $400!)

What you get 🔥:

1) 90 Days of Ready-to-Use Content Hooks: Say goodbye to writer's block with over three months of customizable post and Reel hooks designed to captivate your audience and drive engagement.

PLUS, caption starters for each hook! Craft compelling posts effortlessly with customizable caption starters you can tailor to your niche and target audience.

2) Comprehensive Content Rotation Guide: Master the art of balanced content with six types of posts, ensuring a well-rounded social media presence that keeps your audience coming back for more.

3) Effortless Content Planning and Repurposing: Plan ahead and repurpose high-performing content easily with an intuitive content calendar, saving you hours each week.

4) Automatic Calendar Integration: Stay organized and stress-free with a content calendar that auto-populates with your planned posts, so you can focus on living your life while your social media works for you.

I've never shared this creation outside of my membership - but you have a chance to get your hands on it now!

Add the "Engage & Sell 90 Day Social Content Blueprint" to your order for just $67.

This exclusive offer is only available now!